As an employer, you are obliged to issue and submit various certificates at the request of former employees or the Employment Agency. Since 1 January 2023, this is no longer possible in paper form, but electronic transmission via the so-called electronic notification procedure BEA (“Bescheinigungen elektronisch annehmen“, meaning "accept certificates electronically") is mandatory.
Since this year, (EU) employment certificates and additional income certificates may only be sent electronically to the Employment Agency. All companies are bound by the new obligation, regardless of size or industry. The legal basis for the change is the “Seventh Law amending the Fourth Book of the Social Code and other laws”.
The transmission can take place in two ways with the BEA service:
The introduction of the new obligation for employers means that employees can no longer object to electronic data transmission – unlike before. In addition, the employer’s obligation to inform the (former) employee with regard to the transmitted data no longer applies. The employees will now receive the relevant information directly from the Employment Agency.